Thursday, June 25, 2009

project four: moments...

Here is the brief we worked with for project four…

Project 4
Design Six Dynamic Interface Moments

  1. Determine three motivations for a person to interact with an interface.
  2. Determine three different possible attributes of experience a person might have interacting with an interface.
  3. Using stop-frame animation, video, Flash, or mechanical means, combine a motivation with an experience in six different combinations.
  4. Design six interactive moments:
    1 interactive moment: Combine 1 motivation with 1 attribute of experience.
    2 interactive moments:
    Combine 1 motivation with 1 attribute of experience.
    Combine the same motivation with 1 attribute of experience that shifts the motivation.
    3 interactive moments:
    Respond to 1 motivation in 3 different designed environments.
    Maintain comparable attributes of experience across all Compilation of 6 interactive moments: Editing is advised. Movie day!
  5. The outcomes should afford user surprise, delight, and/or reflection.
Denise kept us on our toes for this project…she asked us to come up with a list of three motivations and three attributes of experience, but then only let us know how we would be implementing them one or two moments at a time. So as we were working on Moment #1, we had no idea how Moments #5 and #6 would play out. A very intriguing process.

The hardest part of this project was to remember that we were attempting to isolate and illustrate a moment, and not building an entire world full of interactions. This was very difficult for me, as you will see with my moments #4, #5 and #6. I tend to overcomplicate.

Overall, though, this project was extremely illuminating for me. The fact is, all design (especially that which involves motion and choice) is constructed of many moments, many details, many little elements. Striving to make these moments meaningful and consistent—while maintaining the overall "big picture"— is what design is all about.

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