Thursday, June 25, 2009

project four: moment #4...

For this set of moments, we were to again, take a motivation and an attribute of experience and create an interactive moment. The twist this time, was to play that moment out within three different modes of interface. I chose to use the motivation of playful and the attribute of quirky. The three modes I chose were a single player game, a social application that would function within a chat program or Facebook, and a printed book/journal/paper doll set.

The idea for this first piece, was to create an interface in which the user has control over some of the elements of the scene, and in which they interact with Elp, the doll. But the user doesn't have control over everything. Elp often does unexpected things, or reacts unexpectedly to the elements around her. I wanted to create an interface in which things don't work quite the way you expected them to, and in which interesting juxtapositions could be created by the user.

Playful + Quirky (Interface Moments: Moment #4) from Liese Zahabi on Vimeo.

Again, I wanted to experiment with audio for this piece. All the vocalizations were done by me, with an additional sound effect used at the end. I wanted to illustrate a couple of different things about the interface in this demonstration. First, that the interface would conjure new objects for Elp to interact with based on the other elements in the scene. When Elp is given a fire and a sweater in the dark woods environment, she conjures up a marshmallow to roast. Second, I wanted to show how Elp would do something unexpected when presented with different objects. When she is given the lollipop, she completely changes the scene to something different (if not exceedingly cliché in hindsight).

I will comment on the outcome and my reflections about these last three moments in a later post.

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